An industrious group of volunteers, including off-duty members of the Bloomfield Township Fire Department (BTFD) and Bloomfield Township Police Department (BTPD), assisted in the installation of an accessibility ramp for a very grateful Township resident on February 7.
The event was organized by Faith In Action, as a part of their “Mission Possible” initiative. Faith In Action is a non-partisan, global faith-based organization, dedicated to helping people live in a safe and healthy environment along with supporting the agency over the decisions that shape their lives.
“I was contacted by the group regarding a resident who needs a ramp built due to advance stages of Lou Gehrig’s disease. Faith In Action supplies ramps to those in need and has all the parts and pieces to build the ramp - they just need some manpower to help build it,” said BTPD Police Chief James Gallagher. There were more than enough volunteers ready to help, among BTFD, BTPD and Faith In Action.
Commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a nervous system disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that causes loss of muscle control. The ramp was successfully installed in a matter of hours, with materials provided by Mobility Plus.