Persons interested in producing a show at BCTV must first attend a Volunteer Orientation. Program proposals may be submitted to BCTV at any time; however, the prospective producer’s proposal will not be considered by the Program Development Committee until that person has attended an Orientation.
Attend an Orientation
The orientations are open to anyone age 16 and up who lives in Bloomfield Township, the City of Bloomfield Hills, the City of Birmingham, the Village of Beverly Hills, the Village of Bingham Farms and the Village of Franklin.Â
BCTV produces approximately more than 600 programs a year; half at its studio and half on locations throughout the community. Studio show topics have included cooking, legal issues, health and well-being, political issues, religion, local current affairs, and art and literature. Production crews travel to area houses of worship, libraries, parks and restaurants to videotape programs hosted by community agencies, non-profits, and organizations.
The programs are aired in Bloomfield Township and Bloomfield Hills on Comcast channel 15 and AT&T Channel 99 and in Birmingham, Beverly Hills, Bingham Farms and Franklin on Comcast channel 18, WOW Channel 18 and AT&T Channel 99.
Orientations occur monthly. Please check the website calendar for the date and time of the next orientation.
Attendance at a Volunteer Orientation is a prerequisite for those residents who are interested in producing a program on BCTV. Program proposals will be considered by the Program Development Committee after the Orientation attendance requirement is fulfilled.
If you are interested in attending a Volunteer Orientation, please call BCTV at 248-433-7790 to find out when our next Orientation is scheduled or to arrange a session to take place at your convenience.Â
Submit a Proposal
A prospective producer must be a resident of Bloomfield Township, Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham, Beverly Hills, Bingham Farms or Franklin, or be sponsored by a resident who will be active in the production or non-profit serving the area. For additional information please refer to Cable Policies & Procedures.
 Program Development Proposal Form