Michigan Voter Information Center (MVIC)
At the Michigan Voter Information Center MVIC website you can determine if you are registered to vote, track your absentee ballot and so much more. It is a powerful source of voter information.
Voting Forms
Permanent Mail Ballot Application
Application for Absent Voter Ballot
Voter Registration Form
Election Inspector Application
Request Form For Voter InformationÂ
Sample Ballots
Sample ballots are available approximately 45 days before an election.
Apply for an Absentee Ballot
Complete and return the appropriate document from the Forms Section above or complete an electronic application at: Michigan Online Absent Voter Ballot Application (state.mi.us). Â
Permanent Mail Ballot Feature
The Clerk’s Office maintains a Permanent Absent Voter List. Registered voters on this list automatically receive an application for an absent voter ballot 60-75 days before an election. If you wish to be added to this list, complete and return the document from the Forms Section above or complete an electronic application at: Michigan Online Absent Voter Ballot Application (state.mi.us). Â
Early Voting Feature
This is an option for voters who wish to vote prior to election day. Vote early during a nine-day window starting the second Saturday prior to election day.
All Bloomfield Township registered voters have the option to visit one of two Early Voting sites:
- Bloomfield Township Public Library, 1099 Lone Pine Road, Bloomfield Township, MI 48302
- Waterford Oaks Activity Center, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328
Early Voting site hours and dates will be posted here before each election.
The Early Voting Close of Polls Tabulation takes place at 8:00 p.m. on election night in the Bloomfield Township Senior Center, 4315 Andover Road, Bloomfield Township, MI 48302.
Polling Locations and Precincts
Vote on Election Day from 7am to 8pm.
Click here for polling locations.
See a precinct map here.
Drop Box Locations
There are three secure elections drop boxes in Bloomfield Township.
- At the former Eastover Elementary School: 1101 Westview Road, by the fire station
- Bloomfield Village Hall, 3595 Bradway Blvd., near the intersection of Maple and Lahser Roads
- Township Hall, 4200 Telegraph
The attached map shows the location of these drop boxes and their distance to various neighborhoods within the community.
See a large PDF of the map.
Voter Eligibility
To register to vote, you must be all the following:
- A U.S. citizen
- At least 18 years old by Election Day
- A resident of Michigan
A resident of the Township for at least 30 days before Election Day
Voter Identification
A voter must show valid photo identification or sign an affidavit swearing that they are not in possession of photo identification. Acceptable photo identification are:
- Current or expired Michigan driver’s license.
- Current or expired official Michigan personal identification card or enhanced official Michigan personal identification.
- A current drivers license issued by another state.
- A current personal identification card issued by another state.
- A current state government issued photo identification card.
- A current US passport or federal government-issued photo identification card.
- A current military photo identification card.
- A current tribal photo identification card.
- A current photo identification card issued by a local government – including a Concealed Pistol License.
- A current student photo identification card issued by an educational institution (previously must be accredited educational institution).