The Master Plan is a document created by the Bloomfield Township Planning Commission and adopted by the Township Board to guide the future growth and development of the community. A sound master plan helps ensure that Bloomfield Township remains a highly desirable community in which to live, work, or visit. This can be accomplished by preserving and enhancing the qualities of the community that the residents, businesses and property owners consider important.
The Master Plan is available to view by section.
Master Plan Copies
If you would like complete information about the Master Plan Update process, the following resources are available:
2007 Master Plan Update (hard copy). The Planning Department will download and print in color. Please allow one to two days. $85.00
2007 Master Plan Update (CD). Available at the Planning Department. $50.00
Master Plan Map (11" x 17" Future Land Use Map) Available at the Clerk's Department. $ 3.00
The cost for copying the Master Plan Update is $1.00 per page (either downloading or photocopying). One Department hard copy will be available to view at the Planning Department front counter.
2018 Master Plan Amendment (hard copy). The Planning Department will download and print in color. Please allow one to two days. $80.00
2018 Master Plan Amendment (cd). Available at the Planning Department. $50.00