The Road Division is committed to keeping our streets clear and safe. The township is divided into 12 different areas and snowplows systematically work toward each other until the job is done.
High priority roads are the first to be plowed and salted during snowstorms. Once enough snow has accumulated the work on Township subdivision streets begins. Township crews and equipment will work around the clock until all our roads are safe for traffic.
The Road Division implements the Carsonite Marker Program every year to help flag over 350 specific road edges that our snowplows must maintain with caution. The markers help minimize damage to sod and sprinklers. These markers will be in place from November through May along the more than 200 miles of subdivision roads that Bloomfield Township maintains.
In February 2006, Bloomfield Township adopted a Snow Emergency Ordinance that prohibits parking on publicly maintained streets within Bloomfield Township during a snow emergency. Having the roads cleared of parked vehicles will greatly improve the Road Division’s ability to plow, salt and clear the roads safely and more efficiently. Read below for more information.
Snow Emergency Ordinance
Township Code of Ordinances
Snow Emergency FAQ
1. How will we know when a snow emergency is declared?
News of the snow emergency will be broadcast on area radio and television stations, including BCTV Cable Channel 15. You may also call a telephone hotline, 248-594-2848, to hear a recorded message stating when the snow emergency is in effect.
2. When do my vehicles need to be off the street?
Residents will have six hours from the time the snow emergency is declared before enforcement of the ordinance begins. Even stalled or disabled vehicles must be towed or pushed off the street. The snow emergency will remain in effect until another announcement is made that it has ended, or, once a street is substantially cleared of snow and ice, from curb to curb, for the length of the entire street, it would then be excluded from the snow emergency.
3. Are there any exceptions to the Snow Emergency provisions?
Residents without a driveway are exempt from the requirement. Those residents will need to obtain a special parking permit and display it in the driver’s door-side window of the vehicle. Permits may be obtained from the Police Department.
4. What is the penalty for non-compliance?
Non-compliance may result in a fine of up to $100 and illegally parked vehicles may be towed and impounded.
General Snow Removal FAQ
1. Why are those reflective markers in front of my house?
They help guide our snowplows. The Winter Marker Program, in use for the many years, successfully helps flag over 350 specific road edges that our snowplows must maintain with caution. These brightly colored markers are made of a flexible material that will not cause damage when it comes into contact with snowplowing equipment. Although some residents may feel these markers are unsightly when placed in their areas, most welcome them as another vital tool to help lessen the possibility of sod and sprinkler damage caused by our snowplows. These markers will be in place from November through May along the more than 200 miles of subdivision roads that Bloomfield Township maintains.
2. The snowplow pushed a lot of snow into our driveway. Will the Township come out and remove the snow?
Unfortunately, the downside to having our roads plowed is that snow ends up in our driveways. Snowplow drivers are directed to follow Township plowing procedures, which do not include clearing driveway approaches. These procedures were adopted to provide the best snow removal possible for all the residents.
3. The snowplow knocked down our mailbox. Will the Township replace it?
If your mailbox is damaged by a Bloomfield Township plow truck, call the Road Division at 248-594-2800 as soon as you are aware of the damage. Mailbox damage reported well after plowing is complete may result in our inability to verify the cause of damage and therefore make necessary repairs.
Damaged mailboxes and posts will be repaired and/or replaced with standard (regularly and widely used; available at local supply stores) mailboxes (large and small) and posts (wolmanized or cedar 4x4 cross member), which will be reset in dirt.
During snow clearing operations, damaged mailboxes and posts will be replaced with temporary ones when Road Division personnel become available. Once snow-clearing operations are complete, repair efforts will be directed toward the permanent repair of all damaged mailboxes and posts.
The Township does not replace ornate (elaborately decorated or custom made) mailboxes or posts.
If possible we will repair the box. If that isn't possible, we will put up a temporary box and post. In the spring, permanent boxes are installed.
4. We have sod and sprinkler head damage from the snowplow; will you make the necessary repairs?
The Road Division will repair any sod or sprinkler head damage done by Township equipment. Please contact the Department as soon as you are aware of the damage so we can schedule the repairs early.
5. The snowplow tossed gravel onto our lawn; can you have someone rake it from the grass?
Snow removal on gravel roads in either early winter or late spring can be a real problem if a large snowstorm hits and the roads are not frozen. If the roads are not totally frozen it is very likely the plows will pick up stones with the snow and deposit them onto the grass along with the snow. This is an unfortunate part of snow removal on gravel roads. As this same condition effects all resident on all 37 miles of gravel roads in the Township it would be impossible for the department to provide this type of service to remove them.