NPDES LogoAmendments to the Clean Water Act require that private entities as well as federal, state and local governments address the quality of its water resources. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase I requirements took effect in 1990 and regulated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) located in communities with a population over 100,000. In 1999, Bloomfield Township voluntarily developed programs to meet NPDES permit requirements in preparation of these requirements being mandated. In 2008, the State of Michigan, on direction from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), updated the NPDES requirements that mandated programs and activities that the Township must implement with the goal of protecting water quality.

As an alternative, the Township obtained an NPDES permit covering only those areas owned or operated by the Township. The Township owns or operates only 25.54 acres of property (0.15%) out of the 16,500 acres located within the Township’s boundaries. As such, organizations like the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioners (OCWRC) Office and private entities, own and operate many of the storm sewers located in the Township.

NPDES Permit No. MI0059974

Regional Collaboration

In 2016, the Township prepared an application as required by the State of Michigan for a permit to discharge storm water to surface waters of the State from a MS4. The Township, along with many other local communities, worked in collaboration with the Alliance of Rouge Communities (ARC) in order to complete the NPDES Permit Application. The ARC is a voluntary public watershed entity comprised of municipal governments, counties, educational institutions and cooperating partners that work in collaboration through the Rouge River Watershed. Watershed collaborative plans were prepared and consisted of the Public Participation Plan (PPP), Public Education Plan (PEP), Illicit Discharge Elimination Plan (IDEP), and the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Implementation Plan. The collaborative plans along with all other required elements were integrated into a single document containing Bloomfield Township’s commitments to help reduce the discharge of pollutants to storm water. The single document is referred to as the Bloomfield Township Storm Water Management Program (SWMP).     

Storm Water Management Program Plan (SWMPP)

workers at sewer openingThe application (Storm Water Management Program) was reviewed by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) and found acceptable. The Township’s application and supporting materials was public noticed for 30 days starting May 5, 2020. The final NDPES Permit was issued by EGLE on July 27, 2020 and went into effect on September 1, 2020. The public is encouraged to view and comment on the Bloomfield Township SWMP at any time. It can be found on the ARC website along with the approved SWMP’s of the other member communities. 

View Bloomfield Township’s Storm Water Management Program Plan.

Additional Information

Please contact the Bloomfield Township Engineering and Environmental Services Department by sending an Email or 248-594-2800 if you have questions about the material presented here.

For more information regarding storm water permitting, please visit the following websites:

Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner
Bloomfield Township Watershed
Bloomfield Township Public Education
Alliance of Rouge Communities
Friends of the Rouge
Clinton River Watershed Council